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Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI) , Mumbai

The Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute was given its present title on January 26, 1997. Founded in 1887, it was then known as Victoria Jubilee Technical Institute.
The institute is reputed for excellent training in courses in engineering and technology at diploma and, degree and post graduate levels over three thousand students. Over twenty seven courses are offered at the undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma, postgraduate diploma and post diploma levels.
The institute was granted financial and academic autonomy from June 21, 2004. As a result, the autonomous VJTI has implemented the revised syllabus for the students in June 2004 at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels by implementing much valued credit system. The revised scheme of examinations, which follows a grading system and letter grade point system has been implemented. An important part of curriculum is the practically oriented project at the final year of graduation and the dissertations offered by the postgraduate students, as also the in-plant training undergone by the Third Year Diploma students.
Significant changes under autonomy are the setting up of Distance Education Programmes with IIT with VJTI as a Remote Centre; as also the modernization of the Library to a digital library. Mention must be made that postgraduate students may see the journals online throughout the week, with facility for printing.
Under the World Bank grant - TEQIP - the institute has several projects underway to establish itself as a world class technological institute. The modernization will offer excellent central computing facilities to students, who will also have access to improved laboratory and workshop facilities. The faculty at the institute is recognized for its Testing and Consultancy work. Realizing the potential of the institute, reputed industries have sponsored laboratories - for instance, the high voltage laboratory, courtesy Siemens; and the Computational Fluid Dynamics laboratory, courtesy B.A.R.C.
Several students activities such as gymkhana, social day and intra/inter collegiate programmes and the college magazine "Nirmaan" serve as a platform to enhance students personality. The institute has also started its own newsletter from January 2005.
Individual students profiles through departmental brochures are centrally positioned with the "Training and Placement" office of the institute. The office competently liaises with over hundred companies and successfully places students for employment and in-plant training through campus recruitement programmes.